Quick Look – HOPE Poster Photo Filter for iPad

Hope Poster iPad Steve

HOPE Poster Photo Filter is a fun little iPad app that lets you create striking poster-style images very easily. Here’s a slice of its App Store intro:

HOPE Poster makes it easier than ever to turn your own photos into iconic posters featuring your own messages!
Choose from nine different unique and fun styles.
Just select your image, crop and position, choose a style, type your message and save to your library. Share your creations direct to Facebook and Twitter (both avatar and tweet using Twitpics).

The poster effects are similar to those used in the memorable Hope posters done for the Obama campaign in the 2008 presidential campaign in the US – though without the stencil-like effects.

Read the rest of Quick Look – HOPE Poster Photo Filter for iPad (114 words)

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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