Pocket for iPad Updated – Adds New Sharing Options


Pocket, the excellent offline reading app for the iPad and IPhone, was updated last week – to Version 4.1.3.

This update brings a couple of notable new sharing options to the app. You can now share to Google Chrome and to App.net, the interesting new Twitter alternative service.

Here’s the full change list for this new version:

New: Share to Google Chrome, Kippt, and App.net
– Removed pocket.co urls from archival services like Pinboard and Evernote
– Security improvements
– Bug fixes and other minor enhancements

Both Pocket and Instapaper are excellent apps in this category, but lately I’m finding I use Pocket more and more. Happily, both apps are also frequently updated and continually adding new features.

Here’s an App Store link for Pocket; it’s a free app.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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