Apple’s Yerba Buena Decoration Shows Stretched iOS Icons, Possibly Hinting at Taller iPhone 5

Photo by Luis Gutierrez, Developer of Super Apps

Apple has finished decorating the front facade of the Yerba Buena center in preparation for their September 12th media event. Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 5 at that event. At initial glance, the front decoration seems to show no obvious clues as to their announcements.

However, one eagle eyed MacRumors forum visitor believes the facade show stretched iOS icons. Zaym points out that you can see stretched versions of iOS icons including Game Center, iTunes, Music and App Store in the image and provides an example image.

After taking the above image and skewing it and shrinking it, we’ve verified his findings. Several icons are clearly recognizable in their un-stretched form:

Game Center (upside down above), iTunes and Music icons:

Of course, speculation on the reason for the stretched icons points to the long-running rumors that Apple will be introducing a taller iPhone with a 4″ diagonal screen. Our complete iPhone 5 roundup details everything we expect in the new iPhone.

Update: Another take on the icons from roosternugget: