Apple Drastically Reducing App Review Times Ahead of iPhone 5 Launch

Because of the upcoming release of both iOS 6 and the iPhone 5, new apps and app updates are flooding in, and Apple employees are working overtime to make sure everything gets approved in time.

Apple is currently working double time to push reviews through its systems. App submissions usually take a few days to make their way through the review system, but some developers are now seeing times as low as just a few hours.

Apps that mention iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 as changes in their submissions are the ones seeing the quickest turnaround, so if you’re a developer that’s planning to submit changes, now is the time to do it.

Apps like Reeder and Tweetbot have already been updated to take advantage of the new iPhone’s taller screen, along with more than a hundred others. Other companies, like Netflix, are working hard to submit updates in time.

My own iPad and iPhone have had a slew of updates available all day long, a trend that will likely continue through the week.

With all of these updates flooding through Apple’s system, many of our favorite apps should be iPhone 5 ready come Friday, and we won’t have long to wait before most of them also incorporate the iOS 6 changes.

Apple’s iPhone 5 is scheduled to be released on Friday, Sept. 21, and iOS 6 will be available for download starting tomorrow, on Wednesday Sept. 19.

[via TNW]

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