Twitter’s Rebuilt iPad App Packs Cool New Features

The Twitter app for iPad has received a makeover, featuring a new profile look and an increased prominence for pictures to enhance the visual experience.

Profile pages have been redesigned with a new header photo added behind the profile thumbnail photo, which is now moved to the center.  After updating the app users will need to upload a header photo to their profile to take advantage of the redesign, otherwise the profile photo is displayed against a dark gray background.  The new header photo will appear across all platforms after a single upload on one device.

Photos have been given more prominence on the mobile profile, with a new photo stream appearing just below your most recent tweets.  Just swipe to scroll through all posted Twitter pictures on a profile, and tap to expand the photo to full screen and show the accompanying tweet.

There’s also enhanced functionality for viewing videos and photos expanded right in the timeline, and it’s now even faster to click through to view content in full screen mode.  The Connect and Discover sections have also received a polish for a more user friendly experience all around, allowing for easier interaction and follower monitoring and suggestions.

The iPhone and Android apps received similar updates to support the new profiles and photo stream, and website profiles now include the header photo to complete the redesign across all platforms.

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