Garmin capitalizes on Apple Maps issues, updates its iOS apps with Google Street View, Transit directions, 3D imagery

Many of the third-party transit and maps iOS app developers have been updating their apps following the launch of iOS 6 to include integration as a routing service in Apple’s new Maps app. Many have also been hoping to pick up some new users looking for alternatives, as Apple abandons Google’s backend and faces some controversy in the process from users who view the new Maps experience as a downgrade.

One of the big missing features from Apple’s new Maps app is Google’s Street View, a feature it could not provide without help from Google. Today, Garmin, one of the bigger companies developing mapping and navigation apps for iOS devices, updated the majority of its apps with Google’s StreetView feature in addition to other new features that users have been missing from Apple’s Maps app:


Garmin N. America
Garmin U.S.A
Garmin Western Europe
Garmin UK & Ireland

Garmin explained users would now get a Google StreetView mode when leaving and arriving to a destination in addition to being able to pan a full-screen 360-dgree view. Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5, as well as the following features, is included in the updated apps:

– URBAN GUIDANCE considers public transportation options, such as subways, trams, busses and water taxis, when calculating pedestrian routes. You will be guided to a transit stop by foot and you’re able to look up detailed information on what line to take and where to get off. The feature is available through In App Purchase.

– PANORAMA VIEW 3D provides true 3D elevation views obtained from NASA’s height and terrain data enable intuitive orientation and show users what lies ahead. Panorama View 3D is available through In App Purchase.

– GOOGLE STREET VIEW provides users a street-level view of their destination before starting a route and shortly before arriving. Users can also look at a full-screen 360° view to get a better understanding of their destination’s surroundings. The feature is available in cities with Google Street View coverage.