Pew: Apple loses share but still over half of all tablets owned in 2012

A new survey by research organization Pew Internet & American Life Project depicts how Apple’s iPad slid from 81 percent in 2011 to 52 percent in 2012, in terms of U.S. adult tablet ownership, due to lower-priced Android slates steadily gaining traction.

Pew’s Journalism website elaborated:

Over the last year, tablet ownership has steadily increased from 11{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} of U.S. adults in July of 2011 to 18{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} in January of 2012, according to PEJ data. Currently, 22{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} own a tablet and another 3{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} regularly use a tablet owned by someone else in the home. This number is very close to new data, released here for the first time, conducted in a separate survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project on July 16 through August 7 2012 that found 25{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} of all U.S. adults have a tablet computer.

The growth in tablet adoption is likely related to the advent of the lower-priced tablets in late 2011. Overall, about two-thirds of tablet-owning adults, 68{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b}, got their tablet in the last year, including 32{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} in 2012 alone. That has lessened Apple’s dominance in the market. Now, just over half, 52{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b}, of tablet owners report owning an iPad, compared with 81{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} in the survey a year ago.

Android-based devices are now at 48 percent overall: approximately 21 percent own the Android-forked Kindle Fire, 8 percent own the Samsung Galaxy, and the remaining is a mix. It is worth noting Android would only hold 27 percent without the $199 Kindle Fire.

The survey did not include Google’s Nexus 7 or Amazon’s Kindle Fire HD, however, as they were not yet introduced. The final numbers also mirror world sales data, according to Pew, which place the iPad at 61 percent and Android at 31 percent.

Check out Pew for more related information on smartphone ownership and operating system loyalty.


This article is cross-posted on 9to5Google.

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