Get Election Coverage on the iPad with These News-Focused Apps

The second Tuesday of November is just weeks away, so put down Fieldrunners 2 HD  for a minute and catch up on the 2012 Presidential Election with these newsy apps. Extra points if you figure out the name of the mysterious third party candidate pictured above with President Obama and Governor Romney.

Chances are most voters are going to turn to the same sources on the iPad that they do for other news coverage. Readers who prefer the New York Times or Wall Street Journal can get coverage from either of those outlets if they are willing to subscribe and get past the paywall.

There are a number of ways to get election coverage on the iPad for free, without any additional fees.

Cable giants CNN and Fox both have their own iPad apps.
Wire services such as AP and Reuters also offer readers their take on breaking stories.
PBS and NPR also offer apps that optimize news coverage for the iPad.
Prefer your news with a dose of humor? Check out Comedy Central’s mobile digests of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.
Political junkies will love Politico for iPad, along with Politico Playbook.

Given the importance of news coverage during a Presidential Election year, a few major news outlets created iPad apps to cover this particular event.

Fox’s You Decide 2012 gives iPad users the chance to play pundit and make the call about which states will be red and which will be blue.
NBC Politics from MSNBC aims to give readers a steady diet of political news.
Though it’s inexplicably still an iPhone-only app, the New York Times also offers NYTimes Election 2012.

Are you using the iPad to track the Presidential Election this year? Let us know which apps are your favorites in the comments section.

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