Taiwan Requests Removal of Missile Defense System from iOS 6 Maps

Taiwan on iOS 6 MapsApparently, it’s not just iOS 6 users who are unhappy with Apple’s new Maps app — a new report claims that the Taiwanese government is also up in arms over satellite imagery of a missile defense system there.

The Next Web is reporting that the government of Taiwan has found something else not to like about Apple’s new Maps app in iOS 6: Satellite images of its new $1.4 billion missile defense system.

According to Taiwan News, the country’s Defense Ministry has asked Apple to blur out satellite images of the early warning radar station, which is already masked out by rival Google Maps.

The missile defense system is located near the Hsinchu Air Base in the northern part of Taiwan, and Maps is already showing “a clouded area around the base,” but it’s unclear if this is the region in question.

Defense Ministry spokesperson David Lo admitted to Taiwan News that it’s actually the military’s fault that the facility is visible from satellite maps to begin with. The radar station is scheduled to go online later this year.

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(Image courtesy of The Next Web)