Apple to Announce iPad mini on October 17th?

Right after we complained about iPad mini rumors getting thin these days, a new rumor has surfaced to keep our iPad mini appetite fulfilled. Fortune reports quoting a major Apple investor that the company might hold a media event on October 17th to announce it’s long rumored iPad mini tablet. Fortune’s source who unsurprisingly wish to remain anonymous told itsĀ Editor Philip Elmer-Dewitt that the invitations for the event will be sent to the press on October 10th. The anonymous investor says that he has heard about the event from multiple sources. When contacted for a word on this rumor, Apple representative declined to comment.

We have been hearing rumors regarding iPad mini from years now but it seems like Apple might finally release the smaller, cheaper, and more portable tablet this year. The expected announce date fits perfectly for the device to go on sale just in time for the holiday season.

iPad mini is expected to feature a 7.85-inch display, dual-core processors, the new dock connector, iSight camera, and more.

[Fortune/img: Martin Hajek]

