Twitter Planning Its Own Video Hosting Service

Last week, Twitter released an update to its official app that made a lot of cosmetic changes, as well as added some interesting new features for the iPad. As of last Wednesday, users could see photos, videos and Web page summaries by expanding Tweets in their timeline. Plus, you can now keep track of interactions with others and add a new header photo in the profile section. While the new update is being considered the “Facebook Timeline” of Twitter, the changes prove that the social networking website is looking for ways to keep users interested.

Today, AllThingsD is reporting that Twitter is considering building its own video hosting technology so that users can upload video directly from within the app instead of having to use third-party video hosting services like yFrog, TwitVid and Vodpod.

If the company does follow through with creating its own service, it will not mean that users will be required to upload video through Twitter. There are lots of video apps on the market that let users upload directly to Twitter that will probably still be usable. The social networking site is just working on refining its service to better accommodate its users.

It is possible that Twitter is looking into creating its own video hosting service in order to have a little more control over what features are offered. Currently, third-party apps are in charge of the process and if something goes wrong, Twitter usually receives the brunt of the complaints, even though they have nothing to do with the issue. Additionally, Twitter could stand to make money from a better advertising option.

This information is not official. According to AllThingsD, the social networking site is simply “mulling over” the possibilities.

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