RUMOR: iPad mini Event to Focus on iBooks and Education

We’ve heard rumors of an iPad mini event scheduled for October 23, and now more information is coming in from multiple sources that the event may also focus on Apple’s iBooks store and education.

From The Next Web:

In what will likely be completely unsurprising news to many, we’ve now heard from multiple sources that Apple’s as-yet-unannounced iPad mini event will have a strong focus on iBooks. Since an iPad mini would likely be squarely aimed at those who wish to partake of media on their tablets, that would make a lot of sense.

iBooks has been a success for Apple so far, but they’re not going to pull up now. If I was a betting man, I’d count on Apple also announcing iBooks 3, with expanded support for annotations and other tricks in order to keep apace with Amazon’s Kindle x-Ray feature and maybe even multi-mode support for audio and text-book syncing. Also look for an iBooks Author update that refines Apple’s authoring tool with support for the new mini and the iPhone 5′s new screen format.