Differences: iPad 4th generation vs. iPad mini [specs]

Although we had heard about it before, we were still taken by surprise when Apple really announced the new iPad 4th generation. We are not very pleased with this announcement by Apple as now chances are that there won’t be a ‘truly’ refreshed 9.7-inch iPad in the first half of 2013. The update larger iPad has received today isn’t that insignificant though, Apple has added the new lightning connector to the device, a new HD camera has been added for HD Facetime call and 720p video recording, and it now has an expanded support for the LTE networks, adding new carriers to the list. iPad mini and iPad 4th gen. are products of two separate classes and have no comparison as they live in two separate worlds. But we have still compared the hardware specifications of both these devices to let you know the differences and common things between the two Apple products. You can find a full comparison tablet after the break.