Say Welcome back to James Falconer, our new Mobile Nations Community Manager!

Clean James… click here for a current photo of James’ dirty Movember ‘stache.

On a day when our Mobile Nations family of sites surpassed the 10 Million Monthly Readers milestone, it gives me great pleasure to re-welcome James Falconer to the Mobile Nations team in the role of Community Manager.

Longtime readers may remember James, as he was one of CrackBerry’s co-founders and a regular voice on the site and force behind the scenes from 2006 to 2010. James left for a while — got stronger, smarter and faster — and now he’s back and he’s here for YOU.

All of our sites, including Android Central, CrackBerry, iMore, Windows Phone Central and webOS Nation are known for having the BEST forum communities – comprised of the the most passionate, knowledgable and dedicated members you’ll find anywhere. We’re not ones to settle for being the best though. James’ new mission is to make our communities even better and members even happier, and he’ll be spending every waking minute (and some of his sleeping ones too) doing just that.

You may see James drop in for the occassional post on the blogs, but where he’ll spend the majority of his time is within our forums. He’ll be active within the communities engaging with members and will be working with all of our forum volunteers to make sure things are running smoothly and that the forums are getting all of the support and attention they deserve.

I’ll leave it to James to further introduce himself and unveil all of his awesome plans. In the meantime, join me in saying Welcome Back!