The Simpsons skewer iPad obsession with A Tree Grows In Springfield

This past Sunday night The Simpsons ran an episode with what has now become a semi-regular guest star: Mapple Computer. This episode devoted a considerable chunk of the story to Homer’s obsession with his newly won MyPad. I can’t give away any more due to spoilers, but suffice it to say the man known for his gastric rapacity knowing no satiety meets his comeuppance in the materialistic trappings of tablet ownership. The ending of the main story, a nod to the late Steve Jobs, is not to be missed.

The episode on Hulu is blocked unless you’re a Plus member and locked on unless you are “connecting to a participating TV provider account.” In accordance with all “we hate allowing people to watch free TV online even with advertising we can directly monetize” rules the networks have had in place since Jules Verne invented the television, the episode will be available for the unwashed masses to watch (in certain geo-restricted countries, naturally) December 3.

The Simpsons skewer iPad obsession with A Tree Grows In Springfield originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 27 Nov 2012 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
