Apple’s Eddy Cue Allegedly Fires Maps Manager Richard Williamson

Apple fires Maps manager Richard WilliamsonThe complete fallout from Apple’s failed attempt to commandeer the iOS mapping app market is apparently still being felt throughout the company. After a public apology from CEO Tim Cook, and the exit of iOS chief Scott Forstall, it seems Maps manager Richard Williamson is the latest casualty.

Williamson guided the Maps team, but the native app failed to meet expectations, and has remained an ugly mark on an otherwise well-received iPhone 5 launch. According to sources speaking with Bloomberg, newly appointed senior vice-president Eddy Cue has decided to hand Williamson a pink slip.

Last month, senior vice-president of iOS software Scott Forstall and retail lead John Browett departed Apple in an executive shake-up. Allegedly, Forstall refused to sign an apology letter for the failed iOS 6 Maps, and was subsequently demoted to “advisor” until he formally exits the company.