iPhone 5 hits 300,000 reservations in China

Demand for the iPhone 5 in China has reached more than 300,000 online reservations with mobile carrier China Unicom, as Apple prepares to starting selling the device there on Friday.

Past iPhone launches in China—like the 2011 debut of the white iPhone 4—have brought out the crowds to Apple Stores in that country.

China Unicom received the 300,000 requests in the first week after it began accepting online reservations, it said on its official microblog on the Sina Weibo service. It also provided a breakdown of where the iPhone reservations are coming from in the country. The top place of origin is Beijing, followed by two of China’s largest provinces Guangdong and Shandong, and then the city of Shanghai.

74 percent of the reservations are coming from males, while only 26 percent are from females. China Unicom speculates the reason is because some men are buying the handset to give to their girlfriends.

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