Satellite Eyes Review

Everyone’s a nerd about something, and maps are one of my favorite things to be nerdy about. As a kid I drew maps of my neighborhood on graph paper, and on road trips I used to pore over the AAA atlas long past the point of carsickness. So when I heard about Satellite Eyes, I installed it on all my Macs in about five minutes.

A watercolor map of my office’s neighborhood makes the San Francisco Bay look extra enticing.

This little app lives in your menu bar, uses Location Services to periodically check your location, then it changes your desktop image to a map of the area. The default, Bing Aerial, is great—the muted greens, browns, and grays don’t distract too much from my windows, and you can select Street, Neighborhood, City, or Region view. Who knew the building two doors down had a rooftop deck?