Into the Dead Review

The world has been forever changed by a zombie outbreak, and your only means of escape has crashed in the middle of a field crawling with the undead. As the zombies close in, there’s just one course of action available: sprint toward a radio antenna on the distant horizon, the sound of your own labored breath echoing in your ears, and do your best to dodge the flesh-eaters as they stumble out of the fog and rise up from the tall grass. Your predicament is hopeless; eventually they’ll catch you, and the last thing you’ll hear is your own screams. The only real question, as Into the Dead demonstrates, is how far you can get before that happens.

If you see this much detail on a zombie, it’s already too late.

A first-person auto-runner, Into the Dead’s gameplay is pretty simple; as you charge forward through the ever-thickening undead hordes, you can slowly drift to the right or left to dodge the zombies and obstacles that pop into your path. Hit the latter, and you’ll stumble out of control for a few seconds. Hit one of the former, and unless you’re lucky enough to glance off it with your shoulder, it’ll grab and devour you.