Deals: Gain Knowledge with the iOS App Design Course Bundle

[This is an advertorial. Maclife gets a portion of each unit sold.]

You’re never too old to learn and with access to additional educational material getting easier every day, there’s no reason not to pick up a new trade or two. We’re making it even easier for you to add another tool to your Swiss Army knife of knowledge by offering an app design course bundle in our latest Deal. Go from knowing little to nothing about app design to submitting your first of many apps to the App Store in no time.

There’s no topic that will go uncovered in the iOS App Design Course Bundle. You will learn how to create apps optimized for both the iPhone and iPad, building uniquely effective apps on each platform. You will then dive into a course that will detail how to create the perfect icon to grab your potential viewer’s eye and make sure you app is represented properly. Topics in each course go into detail about how to best make the app you want to make so you can turn your dream app into a reality.

The iOS App Design Course Bundle from DesignBoost normally retails at a cost of $249. That price is shrunken by 68{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} in our Deals tab. That means you will only pay $79 to learn a whole new set of skills. Five courses for less than a credit at your community college. Can’t beat that, so get it while you can.