The Week’s Best Deals for Your Mac and iOS Device, Holy iPhone 5 Pricing!

Holy smokes have we got an iPhone 5 deal for you, people. It’s not too late to do some last minute shopping. If you still have a few nice people on your list to be very very nice to, then right here’s the way to go. Even if that person is you. Especially if that person is you.


iPhone 5

What the what? has got some honey of a deal on the newest iPhone with prices starting at $126. Yes, that’s no misprint. Holy smokes, now’s your upgrade chances, people.

Refurbished MacBook Air 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i7

Our limited time only refurbs start with this little one for only $1,069.

Refurbished MacBook Air 1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5

Get a bigger monitor, but take it a little on the chin processor-wise, but only $30 more to take this limited time deal to $1,099.

Refurbished MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Quad-core Intel i7

Now we’re talking. Lose the lightness and get the big monitor with this refurb Pro going for $1,589.

Refurbished MacBook Air 1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5

On the newer model side of things, pick up this sweet little number for a mere $849 and get rocking.