iPhone 5 Users Reporting Faster Battery Drain Following iOS 6.0.2 Update

iPhone 5Are you finding your iPhone 5 battery life just doesn’t go as far with iOS 6.0.2 as it did prior to installing this week’s update? If so, you may not be alone, judging from posts on Apple’s support forums.

AppleInsider is reporting that “a small number of users” on Apple’s official support forums appear to be having battery life issues with their iPhone 5 following the iOS 6.0.2 update rolled out on Tuesday.

That patch — exclusive to the iPhone 5 and iPad mini models — was released to resolve Wi-Fi issues, but it would appear that in doing so, Apple may have created another issue resulting in “substantially faster” battery drain.

“It is absolutely draining my battery,” one user named ‘atdguy’ writes. “I can usually get through a day with about 75 percent of my battery power remaining. Today I’ve gone through 90 percent and I’ve done nothing special with it.”

Oddly, there seem to be no complaints from users of the iPad mini, suggesting that the issue may be exclusive to the iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0.2.

We haven’t seen any battery drain at our end, and our battery life actually seems a bit better since the update on Tuesday… how about you?

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