Jerry McDougal, vice president of retail, retires from Apple

Jerry McDougal, vice president of retail, retires from Apple

Apple’s vice president of retail, Jerry McDougal, has left the company in order to spend more time with his family. McDougal previously reported to Ron Johnson, before Johnson left for JC Penny, and most recently, John Browett, before Browett was let go from the position. Gary Allen of InfoAppleStore reports:

There is no word about who will replace McDougal. Outside speculation on the Sr. VP position is focused on Bob Bridger, VP of Retail Real Estate and Development, and Steve Cano, VP of Retail. Both are long-time Apple retail employees.

Apple Retail is one of Apple’s crown jewels, and the most direct, most customer facing part of their strategy to both delight with, and sell gobsmacking amounts of, their products. With Johnson gone, Browett a non-starter, and now McDougal leaving, Tim Cook faces the challenge of shoring up and securing the future of that key division.

Source: InfoAppleStore