Pocket for iPad Updated – Navigation Improvements & More

Pocket for iPad

Pocket (formerly Read It Later), the excellent offline reading app for the iPad and iPhone, was updated this week – to Version 4.3.

This isn’t a huge update with showstopping new features, but rather a solid update with a number of nice minor enhancements. Here’s the full change list for this latest version:

★ Share to Facebook and Sina Weibo (新浪微博) using the account on your device (iOS 6 only)
★ Delete articles directly while reading – just tap and hold the Archive button
★ Jump all the way back to your list after opening links while reading – just tap and hold the Back button
★ Increase the maximum font size in Article View
★ The Get Started tutorial is now available from Help at any time
✓ Sharing certain articles to Evernote no longer displays an error
✓ Evernote International users in China can now log in

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