iPad mini Available to Ship Times Finally Improve in Apple Online Store

iPad mini whiteThe holiday crush is over and the calendar has turned to February, so it’s only natural that Apple might finally get a chance to play catch-up with shipping times for its iPad mini tablet at last.

AppleInsider is reporting that Apple’s supply of the diminutive iPad mini has finally caught up with demand, with “available to ship” times for all configurations now showing one to three business days for the first time since preorders kicked off in late October.

In January, ship times were holding firm at three to five days, which was already an improvement over the one week estimate during the December holiday rush.

As noted by CEO Tim Cook during the company’s recent quarterly earnings conference call, Apple has had trouble catching up to overwhelming demand for the iPad mini, which sold three million units in its first weekend of availability.

While Cook noted that things should get back to normal by the end of March, the U.S. Apple Online Store seems to indicate things may have gotten caught up even sooner than that, with all models in both colors available to ship in one to three days at this writing.

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