BlackBerry Creative Director Alicia Keys Tweets from iPhone, Blames Hackers


BlackBerry announced pop music star Alicia Keys as its Global Creative Director during the BlackBerry 10 launch last month, but it looks like Keys may be using an iPhone instead of a device made by the slowly dying company she works for. Earlier today, a tweet from Keys account saying ”Started from the bottom now were here!” was posted from the Twitter for iPhone app, despite her claim to The New York Times that she exclusively uses BlackBerry 10 now.

Keys says she didn’t post the tweet and that her account was hacked, but I think it’s more believable that she just can’t live without her iPhone.

What the h*ll?!!!!Looks like I’ve been hacked… I like @drake but that wasn’t my tweet:-(

— Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) February 11, 2013