Review: Mailbox for iPhone Rethinks Email Management

Mailbox for iPhone

Mailbox is a new email app for iPhone that is getting a lot of attention. What sets Mailbox apart from other email apps is the ability to easily snooze emails until later. Instead of having dozens of unread emails sitting in your inbox, Mailbox lets you focus on only the ones that are important right now.

Mailbox has a very clean interface and only four gestures for dealing with your emails. A small swipe to the right archives a message, while a large swipe will permanently delete it. A small swipe to the left brings up the “Snooze” menu and gives you options like “Later Today,” “Tomorrow,” “This Weekend,” etc. A large swipe to the left will let you add the message to a list.

The snooze feature is something I really like, it’s one of those things I don’t know how I lived without. That, along with the simple yet powerful interface is what makes Mailbox one of the best email apps I’ve used so far.

Mailbox currently only works with Gmail, but other platforms are coming soon. Also, the app uses a queuing system to help avoid problems that can occur with the release of popular apps. Orchestra, the app’s developer, has been filling reservations on a first-come, first-serve bases. To reserve a spot, just download the app.

Mailbox is available for free in the App Store.