Create quick notes with Scratch app for iPhone and iPod touch

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In today’s busy life remembering ideas and things to do could become hard. Also in your preoccupied mind, ideas that come are very time bound and can diminish with a fraction of second. So to get the best out of your ideas, you need to get them registered. In this approach all you require is instant access to your iPhone Notepad that launches with speed of lightning and is always ready to use. Now a new notepad called Scratch app for iPhone is available in the App Store that aims to do just that. You do not need to put yourself in hassle of files names or list with Scratch app for iPhone. Just hit the app button and start typing what’s in your mind.

With Scratch app for iPhone notepad app, you can explore a number of amazing features. Once you have put your ideas in black and white, you can easily share wherever you want. You can share these notes in parts or as whole through Dropbox, Twitter, Facebook, emails, or in the text editor.

The Scratch quick iPhone also lets users share their notes with a single tap. You can select the items you want to reveal in your export menu. For instance, if you do not use Facebook, you can simply erase it from your list. You can make Scratch workload more focused and organized with support of a great number of third party apps and services. Also, you can customize the keyboard buttons, like making a set of most frequently used keys and also making Emoji symbol a prime key in your customized keyboard buttons.

You have an additional ease of appending text to files on the dropbox with Scratch app for iPhone and iPod touch. You can easily make new files on dropbox and can edit the contents of notes to already existing Dropbox file with append feature.

By using smart markdown formatting, you can give whatever format to your text without putting yourself in fuss of remembering syntax usually required in other notes applications for formatting. For instant list creation, Markdown can list auto-continue. With Scratch app, cleared notes are always available for you so you can begin writing write away. The app also supports TextExpander Touch snippet expansion as well.

Also read: Best Notes app alternatives for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users

Scratch is available in the App Store at a price of $1.99. Currently it does not feature support for the iPad.

Download Scratch