An Interesting Idea: Matching Up Your iPad and iPhone Home Screens

iPad and iPhone Home Screens

Here’s an interesting idea from a friend of mine and former writing colleague, Thomas Wong. Thomas has recently started his own site, called His Dork Materials. He posted an interesting piece yesterday titled IOS Across Two Devices – in which he describes his new approach to getting the most of each of his iDevices, as well as his MacBook Pro.

Here’s a little introduction to what he’s doing:

One mental trick I’ve come up with has been to blur the lines between my iPhone and iPad by arranging both sets of home screens the same way. This means the same folders, same apps, and same layouts. Basically, I’m trying to reduce the friction of switching between iOS devices by making them look a little more similar. Not all the apps are the same, mind you, but I’ve spent a few weeks experimenting with this new home screen layout, and I quite like it. I’ve chosen services and apps…

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