Walt Disney World Testing iPod touch Ticketing in Place of Turnstiles

Walt Disney World If you’re planning a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida this year, don’t be surprised if you see a costumed character scanning your admission ticket with an iPod touch held in their white-gloved hand.

AppleInsider is reporting that Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida has done away with the turnstile entrance that has managed visitors to the Magic Kingdom for years, and is running a pilot test using iPod touch devices to scan tickets instead.

The move is part of a new initiative called “MyMagic+,” part of the Mouse House’s endeavor to make its theme parks “even more convenient and inviting” than they already are.

To accomplish this task, costumed “cast member” employees are outfitted with an iPod touch in a custom case which allows visitor passes to be scanned to grant admission to the Magic Kingdom.

For now, a full 50 percent of the turnstiles have been replaced with this new pilot test, while the remaining half continue to use the classic turnstiles. Disney plans to expand the program to include a “MagicBand” — a single slip-on wrist band that acts as your hotel room key, park pass, Fastpass card and even making purchases from a credit card attached to the account.

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(Image courtesy of AppleInsider)