King Cashing 2 Review

Slot machines, RPG combat, zombies, and quirky comics? Yes please! King Cashing 2 is a mishmash of oddities that go surprisingly well together, though the inspiration for throwing all these disparate elements into the same pot is a bit of a head scratcher. This addictive, if somewhat short sequel builds on and improves the original formula with more battle options and a fresh new presentation, but having played the first game isn’t a prerequisite to properly enjoying this amusing timewaster.

A new comic book-style presentation showcases the goofy story of a zombie king resurrected and rampaging across the land. Each comic page has panels with foes to battle, making the process of working your way through the pages a mix of reading and fighting. It’s silly, to be sure, but slickly designed and an interesting approach.

King Cashing 2’s highlight is its unique combat system. Facing off against a wide variety of weird foes, ranging from rolling pin-toting housewives to moody hipsters, battle sequences have you playing a slot machine to determine how much damage you deal each round. The idea is to line up your party members (in the first slot) with weapons (in the second slot), to deal damage to adjacent foes (in the third slot). Each turn costs you three cherries to play, and the idea is to defeat your adversary before you run out of cherries to spend. Lining up certain combinations of characters and weapons deals extra damage and special effects, and other goodies like coins, experience, and additional cherries can be picked up with each spin. You gain experience as you go, allowing you to spend skill points to boost your party, and there’s a ton of different unlockable creatures and weapons to use in battle.

The bottom line. While it’s a short romp, there’s a lot of replay value in this unusual game of chance. King Cashing 2 duct-tapes some strange ideas together to make a fun and funny offering that’ll hook you right away.

Review Synopsis
