Weekend iPad Wallpapers: Penguins

Penguins iPad Wallpaper

This weekend’s iPad wallpaper selection is Penguins, those two cute fellas (or lasses) shown above.

Selection this week was a bit of a no-brainer for me. My daughter is a huge animal lover. She’s been fascinated with animals of all types ever since she was tiny, she wants to be a vet when she grows up, and right now penguins are right around the top of her list of favorite animals.

And … today is her 10th birthday. So these are not just iPad wallpaper penguins – they’re also doubling as Birthday Tribute Penguins.

Birthday Penguins

Happy Birthday Zoe.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
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