Best Free iPad App of the Week – Watchup: Your Daily Newscast

Watchup iPad App

One of the best things about using an iPad is all the great apps that we can run on it. There are excellent apps for just about any purpose you can think of. Better still, there are lots of great free apps for the iPad. Our Best Free iPad App of the Week posts highlight these apps.

This week’s selection is Watchup: Your Daily Newscast. This app is described as ‘the smartest way to watch video news’ and it does a nice job of living up to that strapline. It’s almost like a podcast app for video news, with a number of superb features for customizing and personalizing how you watch your news.

Here’s a slice of the app’s App Store description:

Designed for iPad and iPad Mini … Build your daily newscast in a snap from our growing selection of US and international news channels.
1. Scroll through the latest videos
2. Pick the best to build your newscast
3. Tap play…

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