Cool Things: List of 200+ Autism & Special Needs Apps on Sale for World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day

Seeing a list of educational apps for the iPad that are on sale is always a good thing. Seeing a list of over 200 heavily discounted apps designed for those with autism and / or special needs in general is even better I’d say.

And that’s exactly what the people over at the iAutism site have put together – to help celebrate World Autism Awareness Day.

Today we celebrate the World Autism Awareness Day. Some app developers celebrate it by offering special discounts and in some cases even offer their apps for free.

This post presents a list of these applications for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch (or “apps”) divided by categories. Those categories are only indicative, and some apps could be included in more than one category. There are apps specifically designed for people with autism and other which are aimed to help people with special needs in general, and other that are totally…

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