Samsung Chairman’s "Sense of Crisis" Could Point to Changes Ahead

Samsung on windowSamsung Electronics may be flying high with US$7.7 billion in profits for the first three months of the year, but all that money may be making the company’s chairman a little nervous, if history is any indication.

AppleInsider reported Monday that Samsung Electronics could be on the verge of yet another shakeup, despite record profits and a seemingly unstoppable track record with its Android smartphones worldwide.

According to The Korea Times, Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee recently returned from a three-month trip to Hawaii and Japan, which the news outlet claims is a sign that changes could be soon coming to the consumer electronics firm. Lee has taken 20 such trips since 1993, which frequently resulted in shakeups at the company soon after.

The report notes that Samsung may be looking at ways to “cut reliance on its mobile business” in the wake of ongoing patent squabbles with Apple, a number of which have placed the Korean manufacturer on the losing side of the coin.

Chairman Lee met with reporters at the airport after returning from his three-month trip, where he suggested Samsung should “always have a sense of crisis” and attempt to “run faster and always study to have insights.”

Lee is expected to meet with reporters again on Wednesday, where he could announce any changes to the way Samsung currently does business.

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