Feed the Hungry, Hungry Plants in They Need To Be Fed 2 – iPad Game Review

fedThey Need To Be Fed 2 is the follow up to the original They Need To Be Fed game, which featured crisp, high contrast graphics and simple but fun platform puzzle gameplay. They Need to Be Fed 2 is more of the same, with a few fantastic additions.

As a platformer, They Need To Be Fed 2 is fairly unique. It uses 360 degree gravity, which means that you will navigate through the game from left to right and from top to bottom, making your way through the level grabbing up diamonds.

Like the original, They Need To Be Fed 2 has stark, simple graphics, offering clean black and white lines against dual-colored backgrounds. It is an uncomplicated design scheme and it looks fantastic on both the full sized iPad and the iPad mini.


Gameplay involves jumping from platform to platform, which come in various shapes. There are round platforms and square platforms and your character can walk all the way around each of them.

Controls are standard for a platformer – change directions and walk forward with the movement controls on the left side of the screen and jump by tapping the arrow on the right side of the screen. Movement buttons move you clockwise or counterclockwise rather than in one static direction. Your goal is to collect all of the diamonds and then feed the venus flytrap-style plant to finish the stage.

Because the game is multidirectional, you will often need to navigate up and down in addition to left and right. This is accomplished through smaller plants, which propel you upwards when you jump on them. These are often grown with beans, which also must be collected throughout the level, so gameplay becomes a matter of figuring out what to grow and how to get around obstacles to get through the level.


While you can end a level without collecting the diamonds, you need them to unlock later stages. Plus, getting all of the diamonds is one of the game’s major goals, so they shouldn’t be overlooked. If you collect 95 diamonds you can even unlock Epic mode.

There are, of course, things that need to be avoided on your quest for diamonds. You will encounter spiky enemies, which will kill your creature if you run into them. Dying is no big deal though – you simply restart from the beginning of the level or at the last checkpoint that you hit, and checkpoints are sprinkled liberally throughout each level.

There are seven different worlds in the classic mode of the game, with a total of over 100 levels. Levels are unlocked as you progress, and each world features a different color scheme and new challenges to face. In addition to offering plenty of levels to get through, They Need To Be Fed 2 also has Game Center integration with leaderboards and achievements to earn.

What I liked: There are a lot of platform puzzle games in the App Store, but They Need To Be Fed 2 manages to stand out thanks to its unique gameplay and eye-catching graphics.

What I didn’t like: Though there are 100 levels, it does not take long to get through all of them.

To buy or not to buy: If you enjoyed the original game or if you enjoy puzzle games that are challenging without being frustrating, They Need To Be Fed 2 is a worthwhile purchase.

App Name: They Need To Be Fed 2
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Category: Games
Developer: Jesse Venbrux
Price: $1.99

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