Intel Hires Former Apple VP Mike Bell To Lead New ‘Smart Devices’ Team


Intel lost the opportunity to power the iPhone, but the company is hard at work to make sure they don’t get completely shut out of mobile hardware, and to do so they’re hiring some old Apple talent.

To lead the charge in its plans to build “smart devices” Intel has hired former Apple Vice President, Mike Bell, to head up Intel’s new Smart Devices Unit.

Bell and his team will dive into emerging technologies and product trends, like ultra-mobile products. Mike worked with Apple for 16 years, before leaving to become SVP of Product Development at Palm.

In a statement to All Things D, Intel had the following to say about Mike Bell’s team:

“The group will be tasked with turning cool technology and business model innovations into products that shape and lead markets.”

It sounds like Bell will basically work on finding ways to get Intel chips into mobile devices of the future, which has proved a harder task than the company originally thought.

Intel dominated the desktop PC processor industry for over a decade, but has since seen its influence deteriorate with the rise of smartphones and tablets. Intel was originally invited to build the CPU for the original iPhone, but former CEO Paul Otellini ended up passing on the project and Apple used an ARM processor instead. Since that time companies like Qualcomm, Nvidia, Broadcom and other ARM-based processors have dominated the mobile space as Intel has struggled to catch up, despite it’s vast resources.

Source: ATD