Tim Cook teases Jony Ive’s overhaul of iOS 7

Jony IveAt this year’s All Things D conference, (catch our liveblog here), Tim Cook spoke briefly about the future of iOS in regards to Jony Ive replacing Scott Forstall:

Kara: What’s new in iOS?

Tim: Surprise is fun.

Kara: Is the iOS update dramatic?

Tim: Jony Ive is working on it.

In April, we reported that Jony Ive would be painting a fresh, yet still familiar look for iOS 7. Just last week, we gave more details about the changes in store for iOS, with Jony Ive unifying the applications to be “black, white and flat all over.“

When asked about the executive shakeup at Apple last fall, Tim gave a very closed response:

Kara: Asking about Scott leaving & collaboration. Scott was powerful and significant. What happened?

Tim: I won’t talk about anyone specifically. I think it has been an incredibly great change. Craig [Federighi] is running iOS and OS X. Eddy [Cue] focused on services. These changes have been great. Really, really great.
