Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri

Siri logo Can’t decide whether to have pizza or thai for dinner, but you’re all out of coins to flip and make the decision for you? Or maybe you can’t play Yahtzee or Bunco because you lost your dice? No big deal if you have an iPhone or iPad laying around, because Siri can both roll dice and flip coins for you.

To use either of these tricks, just summon Siri as usual and then say either of the two:

“Flip a coin”
“Roll dice”

With either statement, you’ll get a completely randomized response reported back to you.

Siri, “Flip a Coin”

As you’d expect, you’ll get either “heads” or “tails”, and the answer does appear to be completely random:

Flip a coin with Siri for tough decisions

If you keep asking, you’ll start to get some more obscure responses like “Rosencrantz says heads”, referencing the character from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, showing Siri’s increasingly peculiar personality.

Flip a coin with Siri and the random results

Unfortunately you’ll lose the suspense factor, plus the enjoyment of knowing what you really wanted while the coin was flying in the air, but the robotic impartiality may make the outcome easier.

“Roll Dice”, Siri!

Though Siri won’t show you actual dice, instead it will provide you with a pair of numbers that would appear on a side of die:

Roll dice with Siri

At this point, asking Siri to roll multiple dice gets her to respond with “I don’t understand”, so don’t expect to throw out all of your die just yet.

Like many other Siri easter eggs, you won’t find these in the official commands list (yet, at least), but people seem to just stumble across them by asking the assistant random questions, commands, or statements, and seeing what comes up. If you find anything funny yourself, do let us know!

Heads up to CultofMac for the interesting find.