iPad’s FaceTime Feature Let’s Hospitalized Teen Attend Graduation

Taylor HabermanThe iPad and FaceTime have made it possible for friends and families to connect with each other in more ways than anyone thought possible. People are sharing Christmas morning with family overseas. Grandparents are able to see their grandchildren’s first steps as they happen. Recently, a high school graduate who is awaiting a heart transplant in a Florida hospital was able to “walk” at her graduation thanks to the help from the iPad and FaceTime.

According to Good Morning America (Via: Yahoo News), Taylor Haberman has been hospitalized since January 2013 while she awaits an organ donation for a much-needed heart transplant. She was unable to attend her high school graduation, but with the help of a non-profit peer support group, called Streetlight, in collaboration with Bartram Trail High School, not only was she able to see the entire graduation from the Gainesville, Fla. Hospital conference room, but she was able to virtually walk down the isle and receive her diploma. Her sister did the actual walking, while holding an iPad with FaceTime connecting Taylor to the action. She was able to see her entire class, while her classmates were able to see her, too.

“She was ecstatic. Just like any other senior, she did it,” Taylor’s mother, Kelly Haberman told ABC News. “While it was nothing like being with your own graduating class, it was the next best thing.”

The iPad has been used to make so many advancements in technology it is great to see that it is also being used to make advancements in emotional health, as well.

Taylor is still awaiting a heart transplant, but has already begun making plans for the future. She hopes to begin taking online college courses and eventually wants to study nursing at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

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