Apple hires former YSL CEO Paul Deneve to work on special projects under Tim Cook

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Confirming a claim from earlier today, Bloomberg‘s Adam Satariano reports that Apple has confirmed the hire of former Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve. According to Apple, Deneve will report as a Vice President to Apple CEO Tim Cook. Yves Saint Laurent is a high-profile global fashion brand and retailer.

Contrary to earlier speculation, Apple says that Deneve will work on “special projects,” not in retail. Apple has been without a de-facto Head of Retail since John Browett’s departure last fall. It is unclear what projects Deneve will be developing specifically…

Apple is rumored to be working on wearable computers, so perhaps the new executive will be offering a fashion perspective for these devices. Notably, according to biographies of Deneve, the executive worked at Apple for several years prior to his most recent position at Yves Saint Laurent. He is also apparently an advisor to Silicon Valley startups.

In other Apple hiring news, the Cupertino tech firm hired a Hulu Senior VP to help content negotiations.