Quickly Take Pictures with iPad by Accessing Camera from the Lock Screen

Taking a picture with an iPad

The lock screen camera is one of the more handy features of the iPhone, but the iPad does not have that same quick-to-access camera option. That doesn’t mean you can’t take pictures directly from the lock screen on the iPad, you just have to use Siri to launch directly into the camera app from the lock screen instead:

1: Summon Siri by holding down the Home button, or using the earbuds

Take a picture from the Lock Screen on the iPad

2: Say “Take a picture” to launch directly into Camera app, enter the passcode if one is set. This will jumps directly to Camera app where you can take pictures as usual

Camera lock screen access on iPad

Many people are unaware of this feature, but Siri can launch Camera app and other apps as well. We indirectly wrote about this camera feature before when discussing taking photos without touching the screen when it’s very cold out, but a commenter on our Facebook page reminded us that many users are not aware the feature works on iPad too. Obviously the iPad will need Siri, so the first and second generation models will not be able to use this.

Certainly more people (topmost picture source) use the iPad as a camera than many of us would have expected, as any recent trip to Yosemite or another popular scenic location will show you firsthand. It makes you wonder if the lock screen camera should just become an optional feature that iOS users can toggle on and off, like can be done on the iPhone. In the meantime, Siri works just fine.