Users More Likely to Share Web Content From iPhone Versus Other Devices [iOS Blog]

Social media marketing company ShareThis gave the iPhone the distinction of “Most Social Device” today after finding that users were more likely to share web content on their iPhone than on any other device. The study, which was published today on the company’s blog, also examined other factors like the type of web content being shared.


ShareThis found that the iPhone is three times more popular than the desktop for sharing content and 1.5 times more popular than other mobile devices for the same purpose. Facebook accounted for 60{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} of mobile sharing and was followed in popularity by Twitter and Pinterest.How are people engaged with social channels on iPhone during the day? We see that Facebook is the most dominate social channel, with consistently high usage throughout the day. The other highly represented social channels are Twitter and Pinterest.This news comes after Apple announced its quarterly results today and said that 31.2 million iPhones were sold last quarter, up from 26 million sold in the year-ago quarter.