Cool iPad Display Stand Turns Baseball Stats into Interactive Experience

SiR 1If there is one thing I know about baseball fans, it is that they love stats. My diehard MLB loving friends have batting averages memorized from players in a game that took place a decade ago. The tech geeks over at Teehan+Lax Labs are obviously baseball fans because they took stats collecting to the extreme with their new iPad display stand.

Season In Review is not just a stand for your iPad it is an interactive display of the stats from a specific year in Major League Baseball. Fans can view a team’s rank, the overall hits, home runs, spread average, and more.

Using MLB Gameday data, the team at Labs wrote a script that gathered daily snapshots from the 2012 season. Their script also generated a PDF with a graph for each team that was then send to a laser cutter. The acrylic slides that resulted sent the geeky baseball fans into overdrive. “How could we organize the slides in a way that was elegant and could still be viewed all at once?”

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After a few experiments with design, the guys at Labs created a 3-D display that fit the stats slides upright in a black base that sits on top of an iPad. The Season In Review app then shows all of the stats and information from the 2012 MLB season and triggers a light under the slides so that the particular team you are looking at will be highlighted.

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Sure, its not functional, but it sure does make your baseball stats look fantastic. The Season In Review iPad display stand does not appear to be for sale. It was just a project created by a couple of guys who really love baseball.

Find out more about the tech guys at Labs and about the creation of the Season In Review iPad display stand at their website. Watch the video below to see the stand in action.

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