Tim Cook and Joz share thoughts on iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c with Apple employees

Tim Cook and Joz share thoughts on iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c with Apple employees

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook has sent out an email to Apple employees, and vice president of iOS product marketing, Greg Joswiak has posted a Q&A to AppleWeb outlining some of the messaging and thinking behind the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c products announced at today’s iPhone event. Here’s an excerpt from Tim Cook’s email, posted by Mark Gurman on 9to5Mac:

Today is an important day for Apple. Many of you and your coworkers have been hard at work developing the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, which are the result of incredible collaboration between hardware and software which only Apple can deliver. In the weeks and months to come, especially as we approach the holidays, our Retail teams will help millions of customers experience these amazing products for the first time. We are also thrilled to be launching iOS 7 next Wednesday.

Cook also reveals why the even wasn’t live streamed to other Apple corporate and retail locations, never mind to the general public: the small Cupertino Town Hall venue proved to be a limitation. (The iPhone 4S event which took place at the same location was also not live streamed).

Joz’s Q&A was longer, and also posted by 9to5Mac:

What was the thinking behind adding the iPhone 5c to the lineup?

This is a big moment for iPhone, because we’ve created two new phone lines to replace the existing iPhone 5. This is the first time we’ve done this. iPhone 5c refines and advances the popular iPhone 5-which was out most popular iPhone ever.

Joz goes on to explain how solid it feels in the hand, thanks to the steel-reinforced, hard-coated polycarbonate shell, but never really answers the question.

Both the email and the Q&A are very high level, talking-point stuff, which is to be expected, but it’s still interesting to see how the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5c are being positioned internally, and where Apple might be going with the product line. Give both of them a read.

Source: 9to5Mac 9to5Mac