Two Years Gone, Steve Jobs Still Sorely Missed


Two years ago today I heard the news that I guess we all knew was coming, but that still felt deeply shocking. The news that Steve Jobs had passed away.

Of course, he’s still sorely missed by Apple fans and so many others round the world – not least by those of us who daily enjoy the fruits of some of his great labors. In my case, the iPad and the iPad mini are chief among those.

I still have vivid and fond memories of Jobs’ unveiling of the iPhone back in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. With all due respect to Tim Cook, Phil Schiller, and other top Apple execs, Apple events these days just don’t hold a candle to the ones when Jobs was leading the presentations.

He’s in my thoughts today, and the iPad and other Apple products will keep him there for a long time.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2013. | Permalink | One comment | Add to
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