Best iPad App of the Week: Pic Scanner

Pic Scanner for iPad

This is the Saturday slot where for over two years now I’ve been publishing a Best Free iPad App of the Week post. As of today, this is changing. From here on this will be a Best iPad App of the Week post – covering a single best app pick or sometimes a number of iPad apps picked as the best of the week.

The reason for the change is pretty simple: it has become harder and harder to find great free iPad apps every single week. Some weeks there are rich pickings, but other weeks it can be a real struggle. Now that so many apps and games have adopted a ‘freemium’ model (where the app is free but often really requires an In-App purchase to be used to its full potential) it’s even tougher. And I don’t want to start ‘settling’ when it comes to the selections by sticking to free apps only.

With that out of the way, let’s talk about our first pick as Best iPad App of the…

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