VPN Unlimited is an easy to use and hassle free way to secure your WiFi connection

VPN Unlimited is an easy to use and hassle free way to secure your WiFi connection

There aren’t a lot of really good VPN apps out there for iOS. The ones that are sometimes aren’t the easiest to use. VPN Unlimited aims to change that by letting you create a virtual private network in only a few steps. With that VPN you then can enjoy unlimited bandwidth and connection speed along with added security.

If you are concerned about the privacy of your WiFi connection, a VPN network is one kind of solution you can use. With VPN Unlimited, you can have your own virtual private network up and running in less than 30 seconds.

Aside from security, VPNs can also offer faster connection speeds, better bandwidth, and in comes cases, it can even bypass content on the internet that may be blocked by your ISP. These are all things VPN Unlimited says they can handle for you.

VPN Unlimited comes with a 10 day risk free trial which means you can try the service out before actually paying anything for it. If you feel you want to try out the service for a little longer, you can extend the trial to one month for $3.99 by means of an in-app purchase. Actual pricing for VPN Unlimited is reasonable and maxes out at $27.99 for an entire year.

For those who want a simple, easy to use solution for creating virtual private networks, give VPN Unlimited a try and be sure to let us know what you think.

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