Fresh Air
The newest member of the iOS family won’t be available for a few more days, but it already has accessories to make it easier and more comfortable to use.
This company quickly announced new gear for the iPad Air, including the $129 Qode Ultimate Keyboard Case for iPad Air, the $100 Qode Thing Type Keyboard Case (pictured), and the $80 Visit Qode Slim Style Keyboard Case.
The $60 Swimmer is a waterproof, Bluetooth-enabled wireless speaker. It has a “flexible tail design” that can be used to hook, wrap, or prop the speaker in the desired location. The speaker is available in five different color combinations.
For tablets in a retail business, Lillitab offers the Pro-V payment kiosk. It’s sold separately from the iPad, but uses the tablet as the base of a Verifone-enabled payment system—customers can swipe their cards through the Pro-V to make payments, while the stand keeps the iPad secure from theft. Lillitab doesn’t publicize pricing information—you must contact the company directly for the details.
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