Football Heroes Review

Touchscreen platforms typically do a solid job of recreating individual aspects of a sport (like swinging a bat or kicking a ball), but they’re rarely good at offering full simulations. While it might be a decidedly unrealistic take on football, Football Heroes does provide a fairly complete — and, more importantly, a very fun — version of the sport.

Heroes is a straightforward version of 8-on-8 football with a few key differences, the most notable being your ability to punch opponents and use various power-ups. When you have the ball, the best strategy is usually not to go around a defender, but rather to punch him until he’s knocked down. The same is true on defense: You can dive to tackle offensive players, but that’s typically neither as effective nor as entertaining as walloping everyone in sight. Power-ups, meanwhile, can take out multiple players with a huge punch, provide a burst of speed, teleport the quarterback around, and so on. Suffice it to say, the action is great fun and allows for some very memorable moments.